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Abstract Submission Instructions
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Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract Submission Deadline August 2, 2013 (Extended to September 2)

Title: the title should be brief and accurately describe the research, limited to 125 characters including spaces. Please do not type in ALL CAPS. Do not enter title in the body of the abstract.

Submitting Author:  Submitters should consult with co-authors on how they would like their names to appear prior to submitting an abstract. Do not list authors in the body of the abstract.

Presenting Author:  Please identify the presenting author and how they would like their department and/or institution to appear.  Do not list authors and institutions in the body of the abstract.

Co-author(s) and Institution(s):  Submitters should consult with co-authors on how they would like their department and/or institution to appear prior to submitting an abstract. Please list in the order you want the names to appear in the conference proceedings. Do not list authors and institutions in the body of the abstract.

Abstract Submission:  The thematic research areas for this meeting will focus on Bioinformatics, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cell Signalling, Computational Biology, Infectious Disease/Immunology and Neuroscience. Posters and Oral Presentations will be organized by these topics during the poster session and breakout sessions. In the Abstract Submission Form, please select the thematic area that most closely encompasses the research area of your abstract. Abstracts are limited to 2,000 characters, including spaces, and special characters. Any necessary references should be included in the body of the abstract. Tables, graphs, or other images cannot be accepted.

All abstracts will be made available within the conference proceeding, both in print and online. Abstracts will be printed as submitted. Do not submit an abstract if it contains sensitive or proprietary information. Please check with your institution's intellectual property office if you are unsure.

If you must withdraw an abstract, an email request must be sent to There is no guarantee that an abstract can be removed from publication after August 15, 2013.

Notification for oral presentation will be made after August 30, 2013.

Notification for poster presentation will be made after August 30, 2013.

Abstracts submitted for oral presentations that are not selected for oral presentations will be considered for poster presentations.

Maximum poster size is 4 feet wide x 4 feet tall.